Thursday, June 21, 2007


Last week I was talking to a patient, he had a very magnetic personality, yet he was quiet. He was one of those people I just wanted to be around and talk to. I imagine that it would have been the same way with Christ, he was followed not for his fanfare, rather he was a quiet man, yet quietly loud, drawing attention by his silent humility and kind demeanor.

This man was the same way, I was immediately drawn by his mere existence, there was something special about this young man. I felt like he had a lot of deep insight and I couldn't wait to find out his story, the psychiatric ward is the last place it seems he should be. Later that shift I went into his room to interview him and found him at his desk, bible open and pen in hand, needless to say I was deeply moved and chose not to interfere, I would just come back and talk to him later.

A few hours later I went back and walked in on the same scene. I wish I could put into words how inspiring it is to see someone who just wants to do right, that has taken the truth he has and is anxiously pursuing it. His story was sad, in haste to feel a sense of belonging he'd joined a cult with the promises of eternal happiness and exaltation. Once in he knew something wasn't right and was treated harshly when he tried to leave, finally he got out and tried again to find God, (although the first time had proven itself traumatic), otherwise known as a faith unwavering.

It is truly awesome what vibes are given off when someone is filled with the power of God as this young man was, it is even more amazing to think that as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, having the whole truth, what powerful quiet examples we can and are being.


Lady Bills said...

speaking of examples... take a look in the mirror.

Jer said...

Awwww....thanks friend.

jasmine said...

HI yourself.